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A Smarter Way to Save With Service Credit Union

Deposit at least $500 for a set period of time and receive a higher dividend rate than you could get with a basic personal savings account.

A share certificate earns higher APY (annual percentage yield) than standard savings accounts by locking deposits for a set time. While banks offer CDs with interest, credit unions provide share certificates with compounding dividends, often at better rates.

Limited Time Service Credit Union Savings Certificate Promotion:

  • 6-Month Share Certificate at 4.50% APY*
  • 9-Month Share Certificate at 4.25% APY*
  • 12-Month Share Certificate at 4.25% APY*

Get Some of Today’s Best Share Certificate Rates 

$500.003 Months3.928%4.00%*Open a 3-month certificate Now
$500.006 Months4.410%4.50%*Open a 6-month certificate Now
$500.009 Months4.169%4.25%*Open a 9-month certificate Now
$500.0012 Months4.169%4.25%*Open a 12-month certificate Now
$500.0015 Months3.445%3.50%*Open a 15-month certificate Now
$500.0018 Months3.203%3.25%*Open a 18-month certificate Now
$500.0024 Months2.960%3.00%*Open a 24-month certificate Now
$500.0036 Months2.325%2.35%*Open a 36-month certificate Now
$500.0048 Months2.423%2.45%*Open a 48-month certificate Now
$500.0060 Months2.472%2.50%*Open a 60-month certificate Now

How Does a Share Certificate Work?

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Deposit a minimum of $500 with a guaranteed Annual Percentage Yield.

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Collect dividends that are compounded and credited monthly.

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At the end of your certificate’s term, withdraw your money plus the dividends you’ve earned, or roll over your earnings into a new certificate.

Service CU Member Reviews

* Rates shown are Annual Percentage Yields (APY), accurate as of 02/25/2025, and subject to change without notice. Minimum deposit of $500 required. Penalty for early withdrawal. The APY is based on the assumption that dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. Withdrawal or fee will reduce earnings. Certificates are fixed-rate accounts and will remain in effect until maturity. The dividend rate and APY may change at any time as determined by the Board of Directors. Must be a member of Service CU or establish membership with $5 in a Primary Savings Account.