Investing and Retirement

IRAs: An Interesting Way to Add to Your Retirement Savings
Everyone wants to save more but most people don’t really spend a lot of time strategically thinking about their options. A majority of my friends, including myself, spend more time finding out what movie star […]

Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: 50s
When you reach your 50s it’s retirement crunch time. Take a look at your overall savings goals and revisit what you have been doing […]

Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: 30-40s
By the time Americans turn 35 years old, many have gotten married, purchased a home and are earning a minimum salary of $50,000. Yet, there may still be a lot of big decisions ahead […]

Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: Twenties
You typically have a lot of big life decisions to make in your 20s. First job. First apartment. First time managing your own finances. Many people also make decisions about attending graduate school, getting married, […]

Why Even Young People Need Life Insurance
You are young and the world is yours! So why bother thinking about life insurance? Let’s face it, talking about debts and death is pretty much torture for most people, and who wants an additional […]

How to Retire in Germany and Begin Your Next Adventure
As the largest economy in Europe, with a central location, affordable health care, low crime rates and a vibrant U.S. ex-pat community, more and more Americans are choosing to retire in Germany. Before you pack up your bags, rent a place and begin life as a retiree in the German economy, here are some tips to make sure the reality of retirement is as relaxed as your vision of retirement.

7 Good Ways to Use a Tax Return
The date for filing tax returns is fast approaching, and even though this years tax deadline is pushed out three extra days to Tuesday, April 18, its time to start thinking about how to make your refund work for you.