Emergency Funds: A Guide on How Much to Save and How

It’s often said to hope for the best but plan for the worst. When life throws unexpected challenges our way, the last thing we want is to add more debt to our plate. This is where the importance of an emergency fund comes into play. So, what exactly is an emergency fund, and how do you determine when to use it and how much to save? Let’s explore!
Understanding the Basics of an Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is like a financial safety net designed to cover unforeseen events and expenses. It provides a cushion to absorb the impact of unexpected circumstances without resorting to costly debt.
When to Use Your Emergency Fund
Your emergency fund can be utilized for any unexpected expense, big or small, that falls outside your regular or known expenditures. This includes scenarios like unplanned vehicle or home repairs, unexpected medical bills, or a sudden loss of job or income.
Determining the Right Amount for Your Emergency Fund
The ideal amount to set aside in an emergency fund depends on your individual situation. As a general rule, it’s recommended to save enough to cover at least 3-6 months’ worth of expenses. Consider setting aside more than this range if you:
- Are the sole breadwinner for your household
- Have dependents, including children or adults you financially support
- Work in a commission-based or seasonal job
- Would struggle to find a job in your income range if you lost your current one
- Own a home with a mortgage
- Have significant debt or heavily rely on loans
- Live paycheck to paycheck
- Plan on moving or starting a family in the near future
- Deal with a medical condition affecting your finances
Calculating Your Savings Goal
Once you determine the number of months’ worth of expenses to save, convert that into a dollar amount. Track your expenses meticulously for one month and use bank statements for two additional months to establish a three-month average. Identify essential expenses such as housing, groceries, medical costs, required debt payments, and transportation. Calculate the average of these essential expenses for one month, then multiply it by the desired number of months to save. The result is your emergency savings account goal.
Strategies for Saving
Building your emergency fund takes time. Start small and gradually increase your contributions. Commit to setting aside a fixed dollar amount each month, ideally at least 20% of your net income. Set up automatic transfers or employer direct deposits to streamline the process. If you receive unexpected money, direct most or all of it into your emergency savings. Keep this routine until you reach your savings goal.
Addressing Debt Concerns
While paying down debt is crucial for financial wellness, prioritizing the creation of a well-funded emergency savings ensures you don’t add to your debt load during emergencies. After building your emergency fund, redirect the funds you were using for savings contributions to make extra debt payments.
Defining Emergency Situations
Discuss with your household what qualifies as an appropriate emergency to use the fund. Typically, it should cover essential expenses in the event of job loss, income reduction, unexpected medical bills, or home and vehicle repairs. Avoid using the funds for nonessential items, services, vacations, or entertainment.
Where to Keep Your Emergency Fund
Opt for a higher-yield savings account, keeping these funds separate from other accounts to prevent accidental spending. Service Credit Union offers different types of savings accounts that can suit your needs.
Additional Tips for Building Emergency Savings
Implement a cooling off period to curb impulse purchases. Wait 24 hours, then a week, and eventually a month before making nonessential buys. This practice can redirect funds towards building your savings. Consider following the 50/30/20 rule for budgeting, allocating 50% of your net income to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to savings contributions or debt paydowns after building your emergency savings. Check out some additional budget-building tips.
A well-funded emergency savings account is a fundamental aspect of your financial well-being. Building and maintaining this fund is a lifelong journey with adjustments along the way. Every dollar counts, no matter how small. Prioritize saving and paying yourself first, and you’ll be on the path to financial freedom sooner than you think.