
Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: Twenties
You typically have a lot of big life decisions to make in your 20s. First job. First apartment. First time managing your own finances. Many people also make decisions about attending graduate school, getting married, […]

How to Get Fit on a Budget
It’s now a few weeks into the New Year, and also the time that many people’s resolutions start falling apart. If this was the year you vowed to finally get fit, or get back into […]

How to Start Smart Savings Habits With Your Grade Schooler
When my son was about 6, he asked me if we could go out for pizza at his favorite restaurant. We had already been out to dinner that week, so I said to him, “I […]

10 Ways to Scare Up Extra Cash for the Holidays
The average American shopper spends between $600 and $1,000 on holiday spending, and if you haven’t been budgeting for it all year, here are ten ways to help afford those costs without eating into your […]

Secrets to Raising Money Smart Kids
Picture it: Your 28-year-old son stops by with a “proposal” for you. He reveals he is two months behind on his rent, has maxed out his credit cards and is behind on the minimum payments, […]

Money Missteps – A Great Thing to Happen to a Kid?
You Spent Your Money on What?!?!?! Any parent with a child old enough to have control over money has probably at least thought that, if not shouted it across a dinner table.