Finance Basics

Ways to Prevent Identity Theft So You Can Enjoy the Holiday Season
As the holiday season gears up with a mad rush of excitement, fraudsters are also gearing up with excitement to steal your identity. Take the necessary precautions to protect yourself whether you are shopping online […]

10 Ways to Scare Up Extra Cash for the Holidays
The average American shopper spends between $600 and $1,000 on holiday spending, and if you haven’t been budgeting for it all year, here are ten ways to help afford those costs without eating into your […]

Secrets to Raising Money Smart Kids
Picture it: Your 28-year-old son stops by with a “proposal” for you. He reveals he is two months behind on his rent, has maxed out his credit cards and is behind on the minimum payments, […]

How to Conquer the Post-Graduate Season of #Adulting
Hey, graduates! Your summer is almost over, and on your way to, or already inside the working world! If you have not thought about it already, there are some things you should know about the […]

Money Missteps – A Great Thing to Happen to a Kid?
You Spent Your Money on What?!?!?! Any parent with a child old enough to have control over money has probably at least thought that, if not shouted it across a dinner table.

Can Your Credit Report Keep You From Getting Hired?
You’ve got the skills. You’ve got the experience. But you’re worried your credit reports may hold you back from getting that dream job. And to make matters even more aggravating, you have no idea what exactly the hiring company will be looking for on the reports.

How Mobile Account Alerts Can Help You
Have you ever gone to check out at a store and whipped out the plastic to pay, only to find out that the transaction won’t go through? If you have, you know that it can be a frustrating and embarrassing situation. Luckily the technology exists to help you avoid these little boo-boos in the future.

Know Your Money Psychology Style
We all make decisions with our money at one point or another that don’t work out for the best. Its just inevitable. But if you find yourself falling into patterns of behavior that lead to negative financial consequences, it could be time to examine a little more closely how you make these choices.

Simple but Effective Ways to Help Prevent Identity Theft
There was a time when your social security number was also your license number, college ID number and bank account number. Those days are gone and rightfully so. Securing your social security number is one of the top ways to protect yourself from identity theft. You should never put your Social Security card in your wallet or write it on your checks. It should only be given out when absolutely necessary.