Good Cents
Read Helpful Finance Tips From Service Credit Union
How My 11-Year Old Taught Me the Value of Saving More Than Money
Every spring brings on the frenzy of cleaning. Tidying up, refreshing those things that will remain in the home, and beginning new habits and springtime traditions. One yearly binge for me is my kids’ room. […]

How to Avoid Becoming a Victim of Social Engineering
Social engineering refers to the manipulation of people into performing actions to divulge confidential information. Two of the most common forms of social engineering are phishing and spear phishing. Phishing & Spear Phishing Phishing attacks […]

Guide to PCS-ing in Germany: Finding a Financial Institution
When you’re in the military, travel and relocating are an inevitable part of the lifestyle. At Service Credit Union, we serve members all over the world, including thousands of U.S. military members on Army and […]

IRAs: An Interesting Way to Add to Your Retirement Savings
Everyone wants to save more but most people don’t really spend a lot of time strategically thinking about their options. A majority of my friends, including myself, spend more time finding out what movie star […]

Six Ways to Make Budgeting Simple
Everyone wants to increase their savings, but planning how to get there is the hard part. Luckily, there are many tools and tips to make budgeting easy, whether you prefer to go digital or old […]

Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: 50s
When you reach your 50s it’s retirement crunch time. Take a look at your overall savings goals and revisit what you have been doing […]

Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: 30-40s
By the time Americans turn 35 years old, many have gotten married, purchased a home and are earning a minimum salary of $50,000. Yet, there may still be a lot of big decisions ahead […]

How to Avoid Counterfeit Check Scams
Fake checks remain a common instrument used to commit fraud against consumers. Here are our tips to avoid becoming the victim of a counterfeit check scam: Resist the urge to enter foreign lotteries. It’s illegal […]

Savings Tips for Every Life Stage: Twenties
You typically have a lot of big life decisions to make in your 20s. First job. First apartment. First time managing your own finances. Many people also make decisions about attending graduate school, getting married, […]

How to Get Fit on a Budget
It’s now a few weeks into the New Year, and also the time that many people’s resolutions start falling apart. If this was the year you vowed to finally get fit, or get back into […]