Good Cents
Read Helpful Finance Tips From Service Credit Union
Why Even Young People Need Life Insurance
You are young and the world is yours! So why bother thinking about life insurance? Let’s face it, talking about debts and death is pretty much torture for most people, and who wants an additional […]

Secrets to Raising Money Smart Kids
Picture it: Your 28-year-old son stops by with a “proposal” for you. He reveals he is two months behind on his rent, has maxed out his credit cards and is behind on the minimum payments, […]

How to Conquer the Post-Graduate Season of #Adulting
Hey, graduates! Your summer is almost over, and on your way to, or already inside the working world! If you have not thought about it already, there are some things you should know about the […]

The Best Way to Ensure a Relaxing Vacation
Recently I took a cruise with my family, though technically I was island hopping through some U.S. territories, I still needed to manage items before I left, as I left, and when I returned. These […]

Wherever Life Takes You, Your Favorite Credit Union Is Close By
Going back home to San Diego from Germany has always been a fun-filled couple of weeks for me but just because I am on vacation does not mean that my adult responsibilities are taking a […]

The Staycation: Be a Hero and Conquer the Ultimate Vacation … From Home!
Ahhhhhh. It is summertime — you can just smell it in the air. While many are looking forward to summer vacation, the rest of us that have been cutting back on discretionary spending are looking […]

Protecting You and Your Loved Ones From Fraud
While the employees in our Fraud Department are incredibly friendly, follow these tips and you should be able to avoid talking with them.

How to Retire in Germany and Begin Your Next Adventure
As the largest economy in Europe, with a central location, affordable health care, low crime rates and a vibrant U.S. ex-pat community, more and more Americans are choosing to retire in Germany. Before you pack up your bags, rent a place and begin life as a retiree in the German economy, here are some tips to make sure the reality of retirement is as relaxed as your vision of retirement.

Six Fundamentals You Need When Applying for a Business Loan
Kick off Small Business Week with the must-haves when applying for a business loan!

What to Know When Purchasing Your First Home
Being prepared with the right information is key when purchasing your first home to ensure you get the best deal and most suitable mortgage for your needs.